On Wednesdays, May 15 and 22, 2024, the URIBITARTE40 Hall of BilbaoArte will offer guided visits of the exhibition «Badakizu» aimed at the general public, in Spanish and Basque, and accessible to people with hearing impairments. They will be simultaneous in Spanish and spoken Sign Language. Attendance is free of charge until capacity is reached.
Practical information:
Dates: Wednesdays May 15 (Basque), and 22 (Spanish)
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Venue: URIBITARTE40 Hall
(Paseo de Uribitarte, 40. 48009 Bilbao).
Free entry until capacity is reached.
Badakizu [You know], designed specifically for Sala Uribitarte40, draws on and gives continuity to Badakizu zein ederra zaren? [Do you know how beautiful you are?], the photobook published this year and which is a compilation of the photos by the artist between 2015 and 2023. The design and conceptualisation of both projects converge in time and take on different forms through their development in such different spaces or media as the two-dimensional objectality of the book, and the three-dimensional spatiality of the exhibition room.