Zinegoak 2018:
Masterclass with Émilie Jouvet

La mañana del 20 de febrero de 2018 Émilie Jouvet visita BilbaoArte; la directora francesa ofrecerá una masterclass gratuita con motivo de la recepción del Premio Honorífico Zinegoak 2018.

Entrada libre hasta completar el aforo.



Émilie Jouvet


Artist, photographer, director, creator, producer, activist, intellectual, feminist, queer… These are some of the qualifiers that could describe Émilie Jouvet, but the list goes on.  At this event, we would like to invite you to discover the keys that have marked the work of the winner of the Zinegoak 2018 Award of Honour. How is the body understood within her narrative? What are the techniques and premises she bears in mind when it comes to tackling a project and building the script? How has her point of view evolved?

The person in charge of the dynamics of the masterclass will be Lucía Egaña with a PhD in audio-visual communications and studies in Fine Arts and the person currently responsible for the academic management of the independent studies programme at MACBA (The Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art) and the winner of the Award for Best Documentary at Zinegoak 2012 with Mi sexualidad es una creación artística (My Sexuality Is an Artistic Creation).

A great chance to discover the keys to the audio-visual creative avant-garde in the company of two top-class female creators.