Listening session and performance action: «Como si me dirigiera a ti», Jara Roset & Marta van Tartwijk

On Thursday, April 11, Friday, April 12*, 2024, the URIBITARTE40 Hall of BilbaoArte will offer the listening session and performance «Como si me dirigiera a ti» (As if I were addressing you) (2024) by Jara Roset (Madrid, 1998) and Marta van Tartwijk (Barcelona, 1990), in the context of the exhibition «Waving».

Practical information:

Date: Thursday, April 11, Friday, April 12*
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: URIBITARTE40 Hall
(Paseo de Uribitarte, 40. 48009 Bilbao).

Free entry until complete seats.

*We are sorry for the inconvenience but the date of this event has had to be postponed to the next day.


The piece Cómo si me dirigiera a ti (2024) is a listening session directed by the artists Jara Roset and Marta van Tarwijk. During the action, they will create a visual landscape based on sound materials that evoke the works in the current exhibition —Waving—, the texts of the publication, designed by the artist Reynaldo L. Vásquez Rodríguez, and the voice inside the hall.